Geography | Ref | Description | Closing date |
Spain | RRF Spain - Alternative Lending for Sustainable Development | RRF Spain - Alternative Lending for Sustainable Development | 31/03/2025 |
Ukraine | Ukraine Export Credit Pilot – call for expression of interest | Ukraine Export Credit Pilot – call for expression of interest | 31/03/2025 |
Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan | EU4Business Capped Guarantee | EU4Business Capped Guarantee | 30/04/2025 |
Bulgaria | Recovery Equity Fund of Funds of Bulgaria | Recovery Equity Fund of Funds of Bulgaria | 31/08/2025 |
Romania | Romania RFF | Romania Recovery Equity Fund of Funds | 31/12/2025 |
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia | WB EDIF Guarantee4 SME Resilience | Western Balkans Enterprise Development & Innovation Facility (WB EDIF) | 31/12/2025 |
Slovenia | Slovene Equity Growth Investment Program (SEGIP) | SEGIP VC Fund - Call for expression of interest | 30/06/2026 |
EU and Participating Countries | Climate and Infrastructure Funds | Climate and Infrastructure Funds – call for expression of interest | 30/06/2027 |
EU and Participating Countries | InvestEU Capacity building investments | Capacity building investments – Call for expression of interest | 30/06/2027 |
EU and Participating Countries | InvestEU Equity Products | Equity products – calls for expression of interest | 30/06/2027 |
EU and Participating Countries | InvestEU Portfolio Guarantee Products | Guarantee products – calls for expression of interest | 30/06/2027 |
EU and Horizon 2020 countries | Cleantech Co-Investment Facility | Cleantech Co-Investment Facility | 31/12/2027 |
Geography | Ref | Description | Closing date |
EU and Horizon 2020 countries | AI Co-Investment Facility | AI Co-Investment Facility | 31/12/2024 |
Greece | EquiFund II | EquiFund II | 30/09/2024 |
EU and Participating Countries | EaSi | EaSI Funded Instrument | 16/04/2024 |
France | FAIRE | FAIRE - La Réunion | 29/02/2024 |
France | NGA | Normandie Garantie Agri | 29/02/2024 |
Croatia | CVCi 2 | Croatian Venture Capital Initiative 2 (CVCi 2) | 12/01/2024 |
Croatia | CROGIP2 | Croatian Growth Investment Programme (CROGIP) II | 31/12/2023 |
Bulgaria | InvestBG Equity Instrument | InvestBG Equity Instrument | 31/12/2023 |
EU and Participating Countries | EaSi | EaSI Capacity Building Investments Window | 30/09/2023 |
France | FITA | Auvergne Rhône-Alpes FEADER | 01/08/2023 |
Czechia | Czech Republic RRF | RRF Czechia Fund of Funds | 16/06/2023 |
France | Foster | Call for Expression of Interest for FOSTER II | 15/06/2023 |
Spain | FITA | Fons d’Inversió en Tecnologia Avançada (FITA) Catalonia | 17/01/2023 |
Romania | JEREMIE Romania Reflows | JEREMIE Romania Reflows – Equity Instrument | 01/06/2022 |
Ireland | IISF | Irish Innovation Seed Fund (IISF) | 29/04/2022 |
Italy | AGRI Italy Platform Uncapped Guarantee Instrument | AGRI Italy Platform Uncapped Guarantee Instrument | 31/12/2021 |
Italy | SMEI | The SME Initiative Italy | 31/12/2021 |
Italy | AGRI Italy Platform Uncapped Guarantee Instrument | AGRI Italy Platform Uncapped Guarantee Instrument | 31/12/2021 |
EU and Participating Countries | EGF – Equity and guarantee products | Pan-European Guarantee Fund – EGF | 31/10/2021 |
Slovenia, Croatia | CEETT | Central and Eastern European Technology Transfer (CEETT) | 29/10/2021 |
Portugal | PORTUGAL BLUE | PORTUGAL BLUE: a new initiative for blue economy investments | 30/04/2021 |
Germany | German Corona Matching Facility | German Corona Matching Facility (CMF) | 31/03/2021 |
EU Countries | EFSI Equity Instrument | EFSI Equity instrument | 31/12/2020 |
EU and Participating Countries | COSME Equity Facility for Growth - InnovFin Equity | Single EU Equity Financial Instrument | 31/12/2020 |
Greece | JEREMIE Greece Reflows | JEREMIE Greece Reflows – Business Angels’ Co-Investment Equity Instrument | 15/12/2020 |
EU and Participating Countries | EFSI Private Credit | EFSI Private Credit Programme | 31/10/2020 |
EU and Participating Countries | Skills & Education Guarantee Pilot | Skills & Education Guarantee Pilot | 30/09/2020 |
EU and Participating Countries | CCS | Cultural and Creative Sectors Guarantee Facility (CCS GF) – Information for financial intermediaries | 30/09/2020 |
Italy | SMEI | SME Initiative Italy: Information note to the Call for Expression of Interest published on 21 October 2016 | 30/09/2020 |
EU and Participating Countries | Erasmus + LGF | Erasmus+ Master Loan Guarantee Facility | 30/09/2020 |
Greece | ESIF ERDF Greece | New ESIF ERDF Guarantee Fund initiative in Greece | 20/07/2020 |
Bulgaria | JER-009/9 | Documentary Finance Facility – Bulgaria | 30/06/2020 |
Malta | ESIF EERE Malta | ESIF Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Malta | 30/06/2020 |
Greece | EAFRD FoF Greece | EAFRD FoF Greece | 14/02/2020 |
Serbia | WB EDIF | WB EDIF Guarantee Facility Serbia | 31/12/2019 |
Portugal | EAFRD FoF Portugal | EAFRD FoF Portugal | 27/08/2019 |
Croatia | CROGIP | Croatian Growth Investment Programme (CROGIP) | 15/06/2019 |
France | INAF | INAF – French National Agricultural Initiative | 24/05/2019 |
Romania | SMEI | The SME Initiative Romania | 31/12/2018 |
Romania | EAFRD FoF Romania | EAFRD FoF Romania | 30/09/2018 |
Croatia | CVCi FoF | Croatian Venture Capital Initiative (CVCi FoF) | 13/08/2018 |
Romania | R-FOF-RO 2016/03 | Regional Fund-of-Funds Romania | 22/01/2018 |
France | La Financière Région Réunion | La Financière Région Réunion | 31/12/2017 |
Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine | DCFTA | Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Initiative East Guarantee Facility (DCFTA) | 31/12/2017 |
Romania | Competitiveness Fund-of-Funds for SMEs in Romania | Competitiveness Fund-of-Funds for SMEs in Romania | 31/12/2017 |
Poland | Silesia EIF FoF | The Silesia EIF Fund of Funds | 14/07/2017 |
EU | East-18 | Private equity secondary market transactions | 12/07/2017 |
Czechia | CZFoF | ESIF Fund-of-Funds Czechia | 15/05/2017 |
Finland | SMEI | The SME Initiative Finland | 31/03/2017 |
Bulgaria | JER-009/8 | JEREMIE Bulgaria: Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries that will receive resources from the JEREMIE Holding Fund reflows for Bulgaria to implement Early Stage Fund(s) with an Acceleration Compartment | 13/03/2017 |
Greece | Greek ESIF FoF | ESIF Fund-of-Funds Greece | 01/03/2017 |
Pan-European Venture Capital Fund(s)-of-Funds programme | VentureEU | 31/01/2017 | |
Cyprus | CYPEF | CYPEF: Call for expression of interest to select financial intermediaries under the Portfolio Risk Sharing Loan (PRSL) | 31/12/2016 |
Bulgaria | SMEI | The SME Initiative Bulgaria | 30/11/2016 |
Spain | SMEI | The SME Initiative Spain | 30/11/2016 |
Sweden | SVI | Swedish Venture Initiative (SVI) | 14/09/2016 |
Estonia | Estfund | EstFund | 29/08/2016 |
Malta | SME initiative | Call for expression of interest SME Initiative Malta | 15/10/2015 |
Italy | JER-010/1 | JEREMIE Sicilia: Information Note | 26/09/2015 |
Italy | JER-007/1 - JER-007/3 | Information note - JEREMIE - Campania (Italy) - Ref: JER-007/2010-1 JER-007/2010-3 | 09/09/2015 |
Slovakia | JER-005/4 | Slovakia JEREMIE Holding Fund: Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries that will receive resources from the JEREMIE Holding Fund for Slovakia to implement the Portfolio Risk Sharing Loan Financial Instrument | 28/08/2015 |
Türkiye | IPA-001/2.1 | Turkey: G43-Call for Expression of Interest to select a Fund Manager | 04/02/2015 |
Italy | JER-007/2011/3 | JEREMIE Campania (Italy): Information note to the Call for expression of interest JER-007/ | 24/09/2014 |
Türkiye | IPA-001/2 | Turkey: G43-Call for Expression of Interest to select a Fund Manager | 11/09/2014 |
Italy | JER-010/1 - JER-010/2 | JEREMIE Holding Fund Sicily (ref. calls JER-010/1 - JER-010/2): Information note to the financial intermediaries | 10/06/2014 |
Slovakia | JER-005/3 | Slovakia: Note to financial intermediaries - Ref. Call for Expression of Interest No. JER-005/3 | 22/04/2014 |
Italy | JER-007/4 - JER-007/1 | JEREMIE Campania (Italy): Note to the financial intermediaries ref. Calls for expression of interests to implement Funded Risk Sharing Financial Instruments in Campania | 01/04/2014 |
Slovakia | JER-005/2 | JEREMIE Slovakia: Co-investment fund manager sought for remaining allocation - ref. Call 005/2 | 08/11/2013 |
Romania | JER-002/4 | Clarification to the Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries to implement a Funded Financial Instrument with an embedded Risk Sharing element | 20/09/2013 |
Romania | JER-002/4 | JEREMIE Romania: Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries to implement a Funded Financial Instrument with an embedded Risk Sharing element | 20/09/2013 |
Bulgaria | JER-009/7 | JEREMIE Bulgaria: Clarification to the Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries to implement the following Financial Instrument: Co-Investment Fund(s) | 09/09/2013 |
Bulgaria | JER-009/7 | JEREMIE Bulgaria: Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries to implement the following Financial Instrument: Co-Investment Fund(s) | 09/09/2013 |
Malta | JER-011/1 | JEREMIE Malta: Information note to the Call for Expression of Interest JER-2010-011/1 | 22/08/2013 |
Slovakia | JER-005/3 | Slovakia: Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries No. JER-005/3 | 30/06/2013 |
Italy | JER-007/4 | JEREMIE Campania (Italy): Call for expression of interest 007/4 (deadline extended to 30.4.2013) | 30/04/2013 |
Spain | JER-015/1 | JEREMIE Extremadura (Spain):Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries | 08/03/2013 |
JAS-BE/2011/07 | Call for Expression of Interest - JASMINE Technical Assistance 2013 | 28/02/2013 | |
Cyprus | JER-008/2010/1 | JEREMIE Cyprus (Call JER-008/2010/1) - Information note to Financial Intermediaries | 19/02/2013 |
Lithuania | JER-004/4 | JEREMIE Lithuania Call EOI JER 004-4: Information note to the financial intermediaries | 10/12/2012 |
Bulgaria | JER-009/6 | JEREMIE Bulgaria: Clarification of the Call for Expression of Interest 009/6 | 28/09/2012 |
Bulgaria | JER-009/6 | JEREMIE Bulgaria: Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries | 28/09/2012 |
France | AMI No. JER-014/1 | JEREMIE PACA (France): information note ref. Call JER-014/1 | 11/09/2012 |
Italy | JER 012/1 | JEREMIE Calabria (Italy): Information note ref. Call JER 012-1 | 10/09/2012 |
Greece | JER-001/2012/1 | JEREMIE Holding Fund Greece: Clarification to the Call for expression of interest 2012/1 | 30/07/2012 |
Greece | JER-001/2012/1 | JEREMIE Holding Fund Greece: Call for expression of interest | 30/07/2012 |
Lithuania | JER-004/6 | JEREMIE Lithuania Call EOI JER 004-6: Information note to the financial intermediaries | 04/06/2012 |
Lithuania | JER-004/4 | JEREMIE Lithuania Call EOI JER 004-4: Information note to the financial intermediaries | 04/06/2012 |
Italy | JER 012/1 | Calabria JEREMIE Holding Fund:Call for Expression of Interest for the selection of Financial Intermediaries | 04/05/2012 |
France | AMI No. JER-014/1 | Fonds de Participation JEREMIE PACA: Appel à Manifestation d’Intérêt JER-014/1 - Questions/Réponses | 26/04/2012 |
France | AMI No. JER-014/1 | Fonds de Participation JEREMIE PACA: Appel à Manifestation d’Intérêt pour la sélection d'Intermédiaires Financiers | 26/04/2012 |
JAS-BE/2011/06 | Call for Expression of Interest - JASMINE Technical Assistance 2012 | 15/04/2012 | |
Slovakia | JER-005/2 | Slovakia: Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries | 30/03/2012 |
Greece | JER-001/2011/2 | JEREMIE Holding Fund Greece - Call EOI 001/2011/2- Information note to the Financial Intermediaries | 30/03/2012 |
Türkiye | IPA-001/1 | Turkey: G43-Call for Expression of Interest to select a Fund Manager | 20/03/2012 |
Türkiye | IPA-001/1 | Turkey: G43-Call for Expression of Interest to select a Fund Manager | 20/03/2012 |
Türkiye | IPA-001/1 | G43 Anatolian Venture Capital Fund Project - Call for Expression of Interest to select a Fund Manager | 20/03/2012 |
Italy | JER-050/1 | JEREMIE Sicily: Clarification on the Call for Expression of Interest JER050/1 | 12/12/2011 |
Italy | JER-050/1 | JEREMIE Sicily: Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries | 12/12/2011 |
Slovakia | Clarification JER-005/1 | JEREMIE Slovakia: Extension and Clarification of Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries | 28/10/2011 |
Slovakia | JER-005/1 | JEREMIE Slovakia: Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries | 28/10/2011 |
Bulgaria | JER-009/5 | JEREMIE Bulgaria: Clarification of Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries | 12/10/2011 |
Bulgaria | JER-009/5 | JEREMIE Bulgaria: Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries. | 12/10/2011 |
Italy | JER-007/2011/3 | JEREMIE Campania (Italy): Clarifications to the Call for expression of interest 2007/003 | 30/09/2011 |
Italy | JER-007/2011/3 | JEREMIE Campania (Italy): Call for expression of interest | 30/09/2011 |
Lithuania | JER-004/6 | JEREMIE Holding Fund Lithuania: Information note to the Financial Intermediaries | 19/09/2011 |
Lithuania | JER-004/6 | JEREMIE Lithuania: Clarifications to the Call for Expression of Interest JER-004/6 | 19/09/2011 |
Lithuania | JER-004/6 | JEREMIE Lithuania: Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries | 19/09/2011 |
Greece | JER-001/2011/2 | JEREMIE Holding Fund Greece: Clarifications on the Call for Expressions of Interest JER-001/2011/2 | 30/06/2011 |
Greece | JER-001/2011/2 | JEREMIE Holding Fund Greece: Call for expression of interest | 30/06/2011 |
Latvia | JER-003/2 | Call eoi JER-003/2 (Latvia): Information note to the Financial Intermediaries | 11/04/2011 |
Greece | JER-001/2011/1 | JEREMIE Holding Fund Greece: Clarifications to the call eoi n. JER-001/2011/1 | 31/03/2011 |
Greece | JER-001/2011/1 | JEREMIE Holding Fund Greece: Call for expression of interest | 31/03/2011 |
Italy | JER-010/2 | JEREMIE Holding Fund Sicily Region (Italy) : Clarification of call for eoi No. JER-010/2 | 22/03/2011 |
Italy | JER-010/2 | JEREMIE Holding Fund Sicily Region (Italy) : Clarification Note N° 2 | 22/03/2011 |
Italy | JER-010/2 | JEREMIE Sicily: Call for Expressions of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries to implement the Funded Risk Sharing Financial Instrument for Microfinance | 22/03/2011 |
Italy | JER-010/1 | JEREMIE Holding Fund Sicily Region (Italy) : Clarification of call for eoi No. JER-010/1 | 22/03/2011 |
Italy | JER-010/1 | JEREMIE Sicily: Call for Expressions of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries to implement the Funded Risk Sharing Financial Instrument | 22/03/2011 |
Lithuania | JER004/5 | JEREMIE Lithuania: Clarification to the Call for Expression of Interest 004/5 | 16/03/2011 |
Lithuania | JER004/5 | JEREMIE Lithuania: Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries | 16/03/2011 |
Lithuania | JER004/2 | Information note to the Financial Intermediaries Ref.:Call for Expression of Interest JER-004/2 (Lithuania) | 09/02/2011 |
Bulgaria | Clarification_JER-009/4 | Bulgaria: Clarification of Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries that will receive resources from the JEREMIE Holding Fund to implement Mezzanine Fund(s) | 17/01/2011 |
Bulgaria | JER-009/4 | Bulgaria: Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries that will receive resources from the JEREMIE Holding Fund to implement Mezzanine Fund(s) | 17/01/2011 |
Bulgaria | Clarification_JER-009/3 | Bulgaria: Clarification of Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries that will receive resources from the JEREMIE Holding Fund to implement the following Financial Instrument: Growth Capital Fund(s) | 17/01/2011 |
Bulgaria | JER-009/3 | Bulgaria: Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries that will receive resources from the JEREMIE Holding Fund to implement the following Financial Instrument: Growth Capital Fund(s) | 17/01/2011 |
Bulgaria | Clarification_of_JER-009/2 | Bulgaria: Clarification of Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries that will receive resources from the JEREMIE Holding Fund to implement the First Loss Portfolio Guarantee Financial Instrument | 17/01/2011 |
Bulgaria | JER-009/2 | Bulgaria: Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries that will receive resources from the JEREMIE Holding Fund to implement the First Loss Portfolio Guarantee Financial Instrument | 17/01/2011 |
Greece | JER-001/2 | JEREMIE Holding Fund Greece: Clarification on the Call for Expressions of Interest No. JER-001/2010/2 | 22/12/2010 |
Greece | JER-001/2 | JEREMIE Holding Fund Greece: ongoing Call for expression of interest | 22/12/2010 |
JAS-BE/2010/05 | Deadline Extension - Call for Expression of Interest for the selection of JASMINE Technical Assistance beneficiaries (Non-bank MFIs) | 30/11/2010 | |
JAS-BE/2010/05_Q&As | Questions & Answers to the Call for Expression of Interest to select JASMINE Technical Assistance beneficiaries (Non-bank MFIs) | 19/11/2010 | |
JAS-BE/2010/05 | Call for Expression of Interest for the selection of JASMINE Technical Assistance beneficiaries (Non-bank MFIs) | 19/11/2010 | |
Malta | JER-011/1-Clarification | JEREMIE Malta: Clarification of the Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries to implement the First Loss Portfolio Guarantee Financial Instrument | 15/11/2010 |
Malta | JER-011/1 | JEREMIE Malta: Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries to implement the First Loss Portfolio Guarantee Financial Instrument | 15/11/2010 |
France | JER-006/005 | Clarification - Appel à Manifestation d'Intérêt pour la sélection des Intermédiaires Financiers en Languedoc-Roussillon | 15/11/2010 |
France | JER-006/005 | Appel à Manifestation d'Intérêt pour la sélection des Intermédiaires Financiers en Languedoc-Roussillon | 15/11/2010 |
Bulgaria | JER-009/1 | Clarifications to the Call for Expression of Interest JER-009/1 (JEREMIE Holding Fund for Bulgaria) | 02/11/2010 |
Bulgaria | JER-009/1 | JEREMIE Bulgaria: Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries to implement the Risk Capital Fund(s) Financial Instrument | 02/11/2010 |
Cyprus | JER-008/2010/2 | JEREMIE Cyprus: Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries to implement the First Loss Portfolio Guarantee Financial Instrument | 13/10/2010 |
Cyprus | JER-008/2010/2 | JEREMIE Cyprus: Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries to implement the First Loss Portfolio Guarantee Financial Instrument | 13/10/2010 |
Lithuania | JER-004/4 | JEREMIE Lithuania: Clarifications on the Call for Expression of Interest JER-004/4 | 13/10/2010 |
Lithuania | JER-004/4 | JEREMIE Lithuania: Clarification of the Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries to implement the First Loss Portfolio Guarantee Financial Instruments | 13/10/2010 |
Lithuania | JER-004/4 | JEREMIE Lithuania: Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries to implement the First Loss Portfolio Guarantee Financial Instrument | 13/10/2010 |
Romania | JER-002/3/2010 Clarification | JEREMIE Romania: Clarifications document and deadline extension. Call JER-002/3/2010 | 11/10/2010 |
Romania | JER-002/3/2010 | JEREMIE Romania: Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries to implement the First Loss Portfolio Guarantee Instrument | 11/10/2010 |
Lithuania | JER004/2 | Information note to the Financial Intermediaries Ref.:Call for Expression of Interest JER-004/2 (Lithuania) | 26/08/2010 |
Greece | JER-001/2010/1 2nd Clarification | Additional clarification document to the Call for Expression of Interest JER-001-2010/1 (JEREMIE Holding Fund for Greece) | 16/07/2010 |
Greece | JER-001/2010/1 Clarification | Clarifications to the Call for Expression of Interest JER-001-2010/1 (JEREMIE Holding Fund for Greece) | 16/07/2010 |
Greece | JER/2010-001 | JEREMIE Holding Fund for Greece: Call for Expression of Interest to select Financial Intermediaries to implement the Funded Risk Sharing Financial Instrument | 16/07/2010 |
Italy | JER-007/1 - JER-007/2 | Deadline Extension - Calls for Expressions of Interest - JEREMIE - Campania (Italy) - Ref: JER-007/2010-1 JER-007/2010-2 | 04/06/2010 |
Italy | JER/2010-007-2 | Call for Expressions of Interest - JEREMIE - JER007/2010/2 - Campania Region (Italy) | 04/06/2010 |
Italy | JER/2010-007-1 | Call for Expressions of Interest - JEREMIE-JER007/2010/1 - Campania Region (Italy) | 04/06/2010 |
Cyprus | JER-008/2010/1_Clarification | Clarifications on the Call for Expressions of Interest No. JER-008/2010/1 | 12/04/2010 |
Cyprus | JER-008/2010/1 | To select Financial Intermediaries in Cyprus that will receive resources from the EIF to implement the Funded Risk Sharing Financial Instrument | 12/04/2010 |
France | JER-006/004 | Questions/Réponses - Réf. JER-006/004 - Appel à Manifestation d'Intérêt pour la sélection des Intermédiaires Financiers en Languedoc-Roussillon, France | 07/01/2010 |
France | JER-006/004 | Appel à Manifestation d'Intérêt pour sélectionner des Intermédiaires Financiers en Languedoc-Roussillon, France | 07/01/2010 |
Romania | JER002/1 | Call for expression of interest - JEREMIE Romania - Structured Loan Portfolio Guarantee | 28/10/2009 |
Romania | JER002/1 | Clarifications to Call for Expression of Interest JER-002/1 - Romania | 26/10/2009 |
Romania | Call for expression of interest to select Financial Intermediaries for the Romania JEREMIE Holding Fund (Deadline: 19.10.2009) | 19/10/2009 | |
France | JER-006/003 | Appel à Manifestation d'Intérêt pour sélectionner des Intermédiaires Financiers en Languedoc-Roussillon, France | 04/09/2009 |
Lithuania | JER-004/3 | Call for expression of interest JER-004/3 | 30/06/2009 |
Latvia | JER-003/2 | Call for expression of interest JER-003/2 | 03/06/2009 |
Latvia | JER-003/2 | Call for expression of interest JER-003/2 | 03/06/2009 |
France | JER-006/002 | Appel à Manifestation d'Intérêt pour sélectionner des Intermédiaires Financiers pour le Fonds de Participation JEREMIE pour le Languedoc-Roussillon (Date-limite: 4.9.2009) | 09/04/2009 |
Lithuania | JER004/2 | Call for Expressions of Interest No. JER-004/2 to select Financial Intermediaries for the Lithuania JEREMIE Holding Fund | 03/04/2009 |
Lithuania | JER-004/1 | Call for expression of interest No. JER004-1 | 19/03/2009 |
Latvia | JER-003-1 | Call for expression of interest No. JER003-1 | 16/01/2009 |
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European Investment Fund – The European Investment Fund is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.