EIF for Venture Capital & Private Equity funds

EIF equity funding partners across Europe

For information, please find here an overview of investments as follows (as at 30.09.2022):

  • Active all-time funds backed by the EIF which still invest in new portfolio companies PDF
  • All active EIF investments to date (i.e. not terminated, rejected, abandoned, exited via earn-out or which did not commence investment activity yet) PDF

Both lists include all private equity funds under EIF management with the exception of non-intermediated deals (like co-investments with main funds or Business Angels) and fund-of-funds structures.

Furthermore, here’s a list of our funding activity under EFSI Equity only.

Information for fund management companies

We aim at investing in independent management teams that raise funds from a wide range of investors to provide risk capital to growing SMEs in Europe.

In order for your proposal to be processed in a timely manner, we kindly request that you fill in the investment proposal form.

Access the investment proposal form

Find below the required information to complete the form.

  • management team
  • investment strategy
  • track record
  • target market
  • deal flow
  • geographical scope
  • target sectors
  • fund size
  • legal structure
  • proposed terms
  • expected returns
  • other investors
  • timing of fund raising

Should the investment opportunity meet our criteria, your team will be invited to present the investment proposal at our headquarters in Luxembourg. Our teams will allocate the suitable source of funding at a later stage in the assessment procedure.

Among others, below are some of EIF's equity initiatives targeting specific sectors:

Read more about EIF's equity initiatives targeting specific countries.

Note: Following the recent withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, we are updating the relevant EIF.org pages.


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 European Investment Fund   – The European Investment Fund is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.