Accountability and transparency

As part of the EIB Group and our relevant policies, we strive to demonstrate to EU citizens that as an organisation we are transparent and accountable across all our SME financing activities. We follow some of these principles by law, and others by are our own voluntary policies.

Complaints Mechanism:

This is a public accountability tool of the EIB Group, ensuring the right to be heard and the right to complain of EIB Group stakeholders. Read more about the related policy and procedure here.

Investigating prohibited conduct:

The EIB Group has a zero tolerance of Prohibited Conduct whether occurring in connection with projects, businesses and other activities financed by the EIB Group, or perpetrated by its own staff. More details on investigating prohibited conduct here.


The independent evaluation function in the EIB Group provides evidence, insights and learnings to inform EIB Group activities. It helps to draw lessons on how to improve our work, contributing to a culture of learning and evidence-based decision-making. Find out more about evaluation in the context of accountability.

Transparency policy at the EIF:

The EIF understands transparency to refer to an environment in which the policy objectives, its legal, institutional and economic framework, policy decisions and their rationale, and the terms of its accountability are provided to the public in a comprehensive, accessible and timely manner. Read more about our transparency policy here (available in all EU languages).

Note: Following the recent withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, we are updating the relevant pages.


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 European Investment Fund   – The European Investment Fund is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.