Climate and Infrastructure Funds – call for expression of interest

    Date: 22 April 2022 - 30 June 2027

The EIF’s Climate and Infrastructure fund investments have a primary focus on climate action & environmental sustainability. Spanning six dedicated Thematic Strategies which are high policy priority for the European Union, they bring targeted financing to fund managers and projects. As such, they are part of our InvestEU equity offering – alongside other InvestEU equity products.


Under InvestEU Climate & Infrastructure, the EIF will make investments that aim to make a relevant contribution to the EU Green Deal by investing through funds in greenfield/brownfield backbone infrastructure and industrial ecosystems in energy, transport, environment, digital connectivity, space and social infrastructure.

The Climate & Infrastructure product shall support intermediated interventions through equity investments in funds (including funds-of-funds), special purpose vehicles, in any form (including managed accounts and other types of contractual arrangements).

Eligible financial intermediaries

The call for expression of interest is open to investment funds, fund-of-funds, in any form (including managed accounts and other types of contractual arrangements), special purpose vehicles, in any form, established or to be established, and that may only invest in funds seeking equity-level returns by deploying capital through equity and quasi-equity instruments (including subordinated debt and mezzanine instruments) – as further detailed in the call documentation below. Funds should also be targeting one or more of the thematic and/or horizontal policy priorities in their objectives.

Application process

The EIF selects financial intermediaries based on applications received in response to this call for expression of interest, and including further eligibility checks e.g. due diligence and compliance with international and EU standards / principles.

Deadline for applications: 30 June 2027

(ongoing selection, on a first come first served basis).


Documents for the InvestEU Climate and Infrastructure Funds product

Call for expression of interest
Annex I – Expression of interest (DOC)
Annex II – Term sheet Climate and Infrastructure Funds
Annex III – Terms of Confidentiality
Annex IV – Reporting template

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Note: Following the recent withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, we are updating the relevant pages.


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 European Investment Fund   – The European Investment Fund is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.