Six portfolio guarantee products under InvestEU to improve access to debt finance in specific policy areas
Our interactive brochure on InvestEU, including a more detailed summary of the equity product, commercial terms and application process is available in our digital library.
Sustainability Portfolio Guarantee Product
Financing for sustainable enterprises, as well as green investments and enhancing accessibility which contribute to Europe’s green and sustainable transition. Including:
- Climate change mitigation & adaptation
- Transition to circular economy
- Water resources & pollution prevention and control
- Protection & restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems
- Sustainable forests & agricultural practices
- Social accessibility investments
Find here more resources related to the scope and implementation of our InvestEU Sustainability Guarantee, including the assessment tool for financial intermediaries. |
SME Competitiveness Portfolio Guarantee Product
Financing for SMEs which are perceived as higher risk or lacking collateral to improve the competitiveness of European enterprises. Including:
- To finance enterprises which would otherwise not be granted loans (such as start ups or other categories of SME that are typically excluded )
- To provide improved conditions e.g. increased maturities, reduced collateral
- To provide new types of financing e.g. subordinated loans
- To provide solvency & recapitalization support for SMEs negatively affected by the COVID19 pandemic
Innovation and Digitalisation Portfolio Guarantee Product
Financing to support innovation and digitalisation-driven enterprises to help drive Europe’s economic growth and global competitiveness. Including:
For innovation:
- Substantially improved products, processes, services, intellectual property investment or organizational approach
- Fast growing or R&I-intensive enterprises
For digitalisation:
- Digitalisation of business models, supply chain management, CRM, business development, cybersecurity, training, upskilling & more
Cultural and Creative Portfolio Guarantee Product
Financing for enterprises to support a thriving, agile and profitable European creative and cultural space, & one which is adaptable to change. Including:
- Heritage, archives, libraries
- Books & press
- Visual arts
- Architecture
- Performing arts
- Audio/visual & multimedia
- Education
Find here more resources related to the scope and implementation of our InvestEU Culture and Creative Portfolio Guarantee Product, including market studies, EU country fiches, and guides for financial intermediaries and small businesses. |
Micro and Social Portfolio Guarantee Product
Financing for microenterprises and social enterprises to contribute to a caring and compassionate European social ecosystem. Including:
- Microfinance: to provide sustainable employment and social inclusion - in particular for vulnerable groups
- Social enterprises: to support active labour market participation & job creation in this still nascent market for a more inclusive EU
Skills and Education Portfolio Guarantee Product
Financing for students, learners, enterprises investing in the skillset of their workforce; education providers and providers of additional services in education for a better response to the EU economy's needs for skills. Including to:
- Boost access to learning for all and foster a more robust and adaptable labor market
- Enable skills development that will drive the shift towards the green and digital transformations
How to apply?
The EIF selects financial intermediaries based on a call for expression of interest and a standard selection process including due diligence. The call documents for the InvestEU Guarantee Products are available here.