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RRF Czechia Fund of Funds

Kotziamanis Biodiagnostics: improving medical imaging


“When you’re dealing with people’s lives, you want to be able to offer the best services possible” says Dr. Andreas Kotziamanis, who runs Kotziamanis Diagnostics in Limassol, Cyprus, alongside his daughter Natasa. “It’s very much a family business. My daughter has specialised in breast cancer and we’re expecting my son Alexandros to join us when he completes his studies next year.”

Kotziamanis Diagnostics is a diagnostic centre specialising in medical imaging and interventional radiology. The centre attaches great importance to constantly evolving with technology to offer the best services to its patients, doctors and the healthcare institutions it works with. “We recently replaced all analogue equipment with new digital equipment, providing higher image quality with the lowest possible radiation dose to the patient” explains Dr. Kotziamanis, “and we set up an information system that allows efficient management of medical images and remote data access. We are constantly upgrading our medical imaging devices, improving our information systems, our software and investing in cybersecurity. After all, this is sensitive personal data.”

A recent upgrade to the centre has been the addition of an MRI scanner to help with breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. “This new machinery will improve diagnostic accuracy. It will give us a more complete picture and allow us to detect tiny tumours much earlier” explains Dr. Kotziamanis.

To cover the costs of the new machinery, Dr. Kotziamanis turned to Ancoria Bank, who extended a loan at favourable conditions with the backing of EIF. “It makes it affordable, and allows us to keep our prices as low as possible.” Two new employees have since been hired to manage the new machinery.

Looking ahead, Dr. Kotziamanis is committed to continue the automatization of the centre’s work, integrating supply chain management and accounting into the digitised systems, making the flow of information as efficient and smooth as possible, and even considering a central island-wide information-sharing platform in collaboration with other healthcare professionals. “At the end of the day, the better the system works, the stronger our position when we try to save lives” concludes Dr. Kotziamanis.

Company: Kotziamanis Biodiagnostics (Cyprus)

Type of business: Medical devices / Medicine

EIF financing: CYPEF

Financial intermediary: Ancoria Bank

For further information about EIF intermediaries in Cyprus, please refer to: http://www.eif.org/what_we_do/where/cy


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