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Impact investing at the EIF
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European Angels Fund (EAF) - Co-investments with Business Angels
Venture capital
Lower mid-market
Mezzanine Facility for Growth
EFSI Equity instrument
Single EU Equity Financial Instrument
COSME - Equity Facility for Growth
InnovFin Equity
Private equity secondary market transactions
EIF-NPI Equity Platform
ESCALAR Programme
Debt products
New ESIF ERDF Guarantee Fund initiative in Greece
EFSI Private Credit Programme
AGRI Guarantee Facility
AGRI Italy Platform Uncapped Guarantee Instrument
Credit enhancement
Cultural and Creative Sectors Guarantee Facility (CCS GF)
ENSI - Securitisation Initiative
Erasmus+ Master Loan Guarantee Facility
Skills & Education Guarantee Pilot
EREM debt products
Single EU Debt Financial Instrument
Documentary Finance Facility – Bulgaria
The SME Initiative
The SME Initiative Bulgaria
The SME Initiative Finland
The SME Initiative Italy
The SME Initiative Malta
The SME Initiative Romania
The SME Initiative Spain
Inclusive finance
EaSI Financial Instruments
EaSI Capacity Building Investments Window
EaSI Guarantee Instrument
EaSI Funded Instrument
European Progress Microfinance Facility
Entrepreneurs supported through Progress Microfinance
European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI)
How does EIF contribute to EFSI
How to apply for EFSI financing
Regional Development - Country and sector-specific initiatives
ILTE: Co-investments into private credit funds
RRF Spain - Alternative Lending for Sustainable Development
EquiFund II
Normandie Garantie Agri
FAIRE - La Réunion
Auvergne Rhône-Alpes FEADER
Recovery Equity Fund of Funds of Bulgaria
Fons d’Inversió en Tecnologia Avançada (FITA) Catalonia
Dutch Future Fund (DFF)
Dutch Alternative Credit Instrument (DACI)
PORTUGAL BLUE: a new initiative for blue economy investments
JEREMIE Greece Reflows – Business Angels’ Co-Investment Equity Instrument
German Corona Matching Facility (CMF)
Portugal Growth programme
Central and Eastern European Technology Transfer (CEETT)
Croatian Growth Investment Programme (CROGIP) II
Croatian Growth Investment Programme (CROGIP)
Croatian Venture Capital Initiative 2 (CVCi 2)
AGRI Italy Platform Uncapped Guarantee Instrument
ALTER’NA – ESIF EARFD Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Baltic Innovation Fund 1 (BIF 1)
Baltic Innovation Fund 2 (BIF 2)
Central Europe Fund of Funds (CEFoF)
Croatian Venture Capital Initiative (CVCi FoF)
Competitiveness Fund-of-Funds for SMEs in Romania
Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Initiative East Guarantee Facility (DCFTA)
EU4Business Capped Guarantee
Dutch Growth Co-Investment Programme
Dutch Venture Initiative (DVI-II)
ESIF Fund-of-Funds Greece
EAFRD FoF Portugal
EAFRD FoF Romania
The ERP-EIF Facility
ERP-EIF Co-Investment Growth Facility
The LfA-EIF Facilities
The German Future Fund (GFF) - EIF Growth Facility
INAF – French National Agricultural Initiative
ESIF Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Malta
Regional Fund-of-Funds Romania
ESIF Fund-of-Funds Czechia
The Silesia EIF Fund of Funds
La Financière Région Réunion
The EIB Group Risk Enhancement Mandate (EREM)
Call for Expression of Interest for FOSTER II
Greater Anatolia Guarantee Facility (GAGF)
G43 - Anatolian Venture Capital Fund Project
InvestBG Equity Instrument
Romania Recovery Equity Fund of Funds
JEREMIE Romania Reflows – Equity Instrument
Luxembourg Future Fund 1 (LFF)
Luxembourg Future Fund 2
Mezzanine 'Fund of Fund' for Germany (MDD)
NEOTEC resources
Polish Growth Fund of Funds (PGFF)
Portugal Venture Capital Initiative (PVCi)
Scottish-European Growth Co-Investment Programme
SEGIP VC Fund - Call for expression of interest
Swedish Venture Initiative (SVI)
Turkish Growth and Innovation Fund (TGIF)
Western Balkans Enterprise Development & Innovation Facility (WB EDIF)
EAFRD FoF Greece
Irish Innovation Seed Fund (IISF)
RRF Czechia Fund of Funds

Erasmus+ Masters Loan: Sven Celin


“Graz is a great city. It’s big, double the size of my hometown, but not overwhelming. People are very friendly and I’m really enjoying my time here,” says Sven Celin, Masters student in Computer Science and Software Engineering & Management at TU Graz, originally from Rijeka in Croatia.

“I really enjoyed science and technology classes at high school, and always liked computers and everything around them,” Sven explains. “So after my first degree in Computer Science in Rijeka, I wanted to go one step further with a Masters in Graz.”

Sven realised his aspirations by taking out an EU-guaranteed loan from Privredna Banka Zagreb, backed by the EIF. The loan allowed him to find accommodation in a relatively central location, near the university. “I had taken a gap year back in Croatia and saved up some money as well, but with the loan I was able to get an apartment where I can live with my girlfriend, close to the university and not waste time commuting.”

The apartment also serves as his playground for his hobby. “I like to tinker with controllers and robotics, setting up my own video surveillance system…that kind of thing. I spend a lot of time creating motion sensors - the dog keeps setting them off - and more recently, I had fun building an automated Christmas tree that works with Google assistant.“

Sven is currently working on his thesis, which focusses on gambling addiction in casinos. “We analyse datasets, looking at gamer profiles, their behaviour, the amounts involved and things like that, to study how to best target messaging to reduce addiction,” he adds. This hands-on approach offered by the University in Graz is something Sven highlights as very important: “The approach in Austrian higher education is based on learning by practicing and participating in concrete projects. This is really helpful for young people on the job market as you are employable immediately after you finish studying.”

With only the thesis left to complete his studies, Sven has been applying for jobs and already lined one up for February 2021 at a company where he did a short internship. “I’ll be doing data analysis for large storage facilities,” he says, “so I think I’ll be repaying that loan within the next 2-3 years if all goes well.”

Beneficiary: Sven Celin

Studies: Computer Science & Software engineering and Management

University: Technische Universität Graz

EIF financing: Erasmus+ Master Student LGF

Financial intermediary: Privredna Banka Zagreb (PBZ)

For further information about EIF intermediaries in Croatia, please refer to:


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