The EIF turned 30 this year. More than a line in the sand, this has been an opportunity to stop and reflect. Looking back at the past thirty years, what is the one characteristic that we would attach to the EIF? Boldness.
The EIF has been active on the faultline between policymakers and the markets for three decades, translating policy considerations into financial products that make sense for small businesses. And it has been doing so by taking on a good degree of risk every time.
The EIF has been doing all this with one actor in mind: the entrepreneurs and the SMEs, the small businesses that makeup 99% of the European economy. Over thirty years, they are the ones that really personify bold. Bold in starting up their business, bold in innovating and developing disruptive technologies, in adapting their business models to changing times, and in pursuing impact as much as returns. Bold in seeking financial support based on the conviction that they will be able to do better, get back on their feet, and repay their loans.
This book celebrates these bold and courageous people who are rising to the challenge, taking on the competition, and navigating the world of business.Copyright ©
European Investment Fund – The European Investment Fund is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.