EIB Group Sustainability report 2023

    Release date: 25 July 2024

Climate change is the big challenge of our generation. The European Investment Bank is helping the world meet this challenge by bringing down emissions in carbon-intensive industries and in many other sectors. In 2023, the projects we signed will help avoid 5.2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions yearly. This is equal to the annual carbon footprint of about 520 000 European homes we want to make the green transition a success in Europe and far beyond.

The Sustainability Report for 2023 outlines how the EIB is the climate bank. This publication details how we work hard to help clients reach their green goals and to reduce our own emissions. Over the past five years, the EIB Group reduced its annual emissions by 18.4%, and it lowered its emissions per employee by 39%. We strive each day to fight pollution, restore biodiversity and support a circular economy that creates less waste and increases recycling.

The Sustainability Report can be read in conjunction with other reports treated as annexes: the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

The report is also published on the EIB website.

Note: Following the recent withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, we are updating the relevant EIF.org pages.


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