The Cultural and Creative Portfolio Guarantee Product is one of the six InvestEU portfolio guarantee products, and the successor of the CCS Guarantee Facility, supporting small businesses across the EU in the cultural and creative sectors.
Considering the specific challenges of entrepreneurs in this field - such as the lack of collateral, or the high initial upfront costs of production - our guarantee aims to enhance access to affordable finance and to mobilise further investments in European projects.
Culture counts. This is why we are supporting a thriving, agile and creative ecosystem, consolidating its resilience and allowing it to adapt to challenges ahead.
Check the call for expression of interest: Guarantee products – calls for expression of interest (
Here the lists of CCS Financiers, CCS Prizes and CCS tax credits and exemptions.
Version 1 - published on 10 February 2023
More information and resources:
Market study – CCS – A sector to invest in
This study covers the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) – grouped into 8 subsectors – whose activities are based on cultural values and/or artistic and other creative expressions. The analysis departs from the need to better frame the CCS and its significant impact on the wider economy. Those activities include the development, the creation, production, dissemination, and preservation of goods and services that embody cultural, artistic, or other creative expressions, as well as related functions such as education or management. |
Country fiches – the CCS market across the EU member states
This report includes short market fiches for 29 countries (all 27 European Union (EU) Member States, as well as Norway and Iceland). These fiches complement the EU market analysis document on the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS), providing key information through a country-by-coun¬try approach. This document chiefly includes selected data on the CCS and information on funding sources (mostly public ones), while a more detailed analysis of market trends is available in the market analysis document. |
Assessing loan applications in the CCS - A guide for financial intermediaries
This guide is directed to financial intermediaries to assess loan applications of Cultural and Creative sector SMEs. It is structured in 3 stages: the Origination – aiming at raising awareness about CCS potential and definition of subsectors, the Underwriting – to determine funding needs, risks, and cash flow patterns in the CCS as well as business practices and intangible assets, and the Closing and monitoring phases – providing an additional risk management dashboard to facilitate the monitoring process. |
Finding the right financing in the CCS - A guide for small businesses
This guide is made for small businesses operating across Europe in the cultural and creative industries, which include audiovisual and multimedia, heritage and libraries, books and press, performing and visual arts, architecture, education, and other activities. It aims to help SMEs understand the different types of financing by explaining which financial instrument is relevant, what bankers may need to know about a business to grant a loan, and preparing for pitching and filling an actual loan application. |