EU Financial Instruments for SME Competitiveness and Innovation

    Date: 25 January 2012
    Location: Luxembourg
Richard Pelly at EU Financial Instruments for SME Competitiveness and Innovation

The EIF held a Conference at its headquarters in Luxembourg to discuss current financial instruments to support competitiveness and innovation in Europe.

The event was organised in close cooperation with the European Commission and was attended by a broad range of external stakeholders,amongst them a substantial number of National SME Envoys from across the EU-27, high-level representatives of SME associations, financial intermediaries and policy makers.

 Two workshops of the conference were dedicated to discussing the effectiveness and impact of current financial instruments,  particularly the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) that the EIF manages on behalf of the European Commission. In addition, the event also gave an overview of the financial instruments that are envisaged for the next programming period from 2014-2020.

EU Financial Instruments for SME Competitiveness and Innovation For further information please download the Presentations [Pdf] below:

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